READ [EBOOK] America's War Crimes Quagmire, From Bush to Obama (PDF) Ebook
Description of America's War Crimes Quagmire, From Bush to Obama
Book reveals specific war crimes that began in the Bush administrationand how they have been handled during the Obama administration.Forty-seven chapters that deal with such topics as the following:•How American war crimes have provided cover to other countries to violate the laws of warfare with impunity•Children as victims of American war crimes•Trials at Guantánamo•Why cells at Guantánamo violate the Geneva Conventions•American war crimes in Cambodia•How Hogan’s Heroes were better treated than prisoners at Guantánamo•Myths in the “war on terror”•The military’s defiance of Barack Obama•Obama’s 11-plan to end American war crimes•Public health nightmare in Afghanistan and Iraq caused by America’s occupation•The “torture memos”•Mengelian treatment of prisoners•Hypocrisy regarding display of prisoners•Films about American war crimes•Donald Rumsfeld as defendant in a Chicago court for war crimes•Foolish attempts to rewrite history•War crimes worse than waterboarding•Why an American citizen attempted to blow up Times SquareChapter Headings: 1) Book on the War Crimes of the Bush Administration 2) Bogus “War Crimes Trial” Characterization at Guantánamo 3) Women Terrorists Are Criminals, Men Are “Detainees” 4) Georgian and Russian War Crimes Ape the Superpower 5) A Trial That Was on Trial: Who Were the Real War Criminals at Guantánamo? 6) Georgia Copies Guantánamo 7) Members of the Bush Administration Fear Prosecution 8) The Long Arm of the Lawless Outside Afghanistan and Iraq 9) War Crimes Displayed in Amnesty International’s Guantánamo Exhibit10) Accounting for War Crimes of the Bush Administration Through a Truth Commission11) War Crimes Trials in Cambodia Await Accusations12) Hypocrisy at Guantánamo Under the Radar of the Presidential Election13) Guantánamo’s Villains and Hogan’s Heroes14) Twelve Myths in Bush’s “War on Terror”15) Children as Unlamented Victims of Bush’s War Crimes16) Did Barack Obama Become a War Criminal When He Became President?17) Obama’s Executive Orders Fall Short of Stopping War Crimes18) Military Action in Afghanistan and Pakistan Ignores War Crimes19) Pentagon Defies Obama on Guantánamo20) War in Afghanistan Haunted by Bush’s War Crimes21) Refugees at Guantánamo Await Resettlement22) Bush's War Crimes Legacy Confronts Obama as a Public Health Nightmare23) The Documentary Inside Guantánamo Is Blind to War Crimes24) Memo Implicates Judge Bybee as a War Criminal25) Repudiated Bradbury Memos Ignored the Geneva Conventions26) New Executive Orders Must Be Issued to Comply with the Geneva Conventions27) The Focus on Torture: A Diversion from War Crimes Against Children and Unjustified Murder?28) Are the Words “War Crimes” Taboo Today?29) Guantánamo and Bagram Prisoners Should Be Treated Lawfully30) Obama Impairs Guantánamo Closure by Reviving Military Commissions31) How to Close Guantánamo Without Using Makeshift Tribunals32) Worse than Waterboarding: Looking Forward Requires Looking Backward33) The Unauthorized Afghan War Continues34) Washington’s Hypocrisy About Displaying Prisoners35) Bush’s Justice Department: Machiavellian or Mengelian?36) An Illegal War Fought Illegally—In Afghanistan37) Truth Commission Hearing in Malaysia Ignored by the American Press38) Obama Tries to Rewrite History39) Obama’s Guantánamo “Progress” in 200940) Rethinking Robert Greenwald’s Rethink Afghanistan Documentary41) When Will the Afghan War End?42) Obama’s Plan Regarding Bush Era War Crimes43) A Nation of Cowards44) Bush’s “Poodle Dog” Tony Blair Is Accused of War Crimes in The Ghost Writer45) Rumsfeld Charged with War Crimes in a Chicago Court46) Why Did a Pakistani-Born American Citizen Want to Kill Americans?Conclusion: Ignoring the VictimsAlso has an Index and a list of References
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